Gun control arguments

Gun control
The gun control debate is perhaps one of the more heated in modern American politics.  Those who favor stronger gun control believe that such regulations will lessen gun violence, leaving us all safer.  Those who oppose gun control seem adamant that 1-the government is out to disarm them (in preparation for some grand takeover) and 2-that loose gun laws actually make us safer by ensuring more armed...

Do Tax Cuts Increase Revenue?

Tax Cut
Every time a tax increase on the wealthy is proposed, the right puts forth a list of tired old talking points. The reality is they simply oppose tax increases for ideological, not practical reasons. However, in order to mask this reality they trot out several false claims, including the false claim that tax cuts increase revenue. Tax cuts increase revenue In making this argument, the right claims that...

Why Trump is a mastermind, behind Fake News

It was his first press conference of Donald Trump as President-elect, when the term “Fake news” came into limelight. But why is President Trump using the term ‘fake news’ again and again? And where did this term come from? During President-elect press conference, he pointed at CNN’s reporter Jim Acosta and said “You are fake news!”, and refused to answer his question. Since then,...