5 Ways To Beat The Weather In Your Outdoor Event

You have the planned best event one could attend with all the possible entertainment and snacks for your guests, but suddenly mother nature takes over. What do you do? How do you compensate your guests? Did you hire waterproof tent rentals? Do you have a plan B or a reserve indoor venue?

Weather is unpredictable. It can rain heavily, or get extremely cold even on the sunniest of days or vice versa, it can get unbearably hot. Surely you cannot beat the weather but you can plan for it beforehand and make your event a success. Follow the tips below and see how you can beat the weather in your outdoor event.

Keep Checking The Weather Forecast

You have started to plan for your event for days in order for it to be perfect and flawless. You book the caterers, the venue, the decor, the music, the entertainment, everything is on point, except you forgot to check the weather forecast for the day of the event. Regularly check the weather forecast in the days nearing the event so you know what to expect on the event day. This way you will have all the emergency amenities ready.

Make Sure The Venue Has No Issues

Make sure to check the event venue well. It should be in a reachable place, also the roads leading towards the venue should not be broken or problematic. Double-check the tents and marquees that they are not wobbly and fixed tightly to the ground so it doesn’t fall in case of rainfall or steady winds. Also, there should be emergency exits or an indoor area as well in case the weather conditions get really severe. Opt for a venue that has both outdoor and indoor facilities.

Keep Weatherproof Facilities At Hand

Completely weatherproof your outdoor event by keeping all the amenities and necessities with you. Keep generators, air conditioners, and heaters, whatever is needed considering the severity of the weather. If it gets very cold then you turn on the heaters and vice versa turn on air conditioners and standby fans to make the event temperature comfortable.

You should have a standby power generator in case of a power shortage in the event. If you can upgrade to a waterproof marquee then it will be perfect even if it rains in the event. Other than that, you can keep waterproof tents. Muddy ground when it rains is a big turnoff for events. It will destroy the shoes and sandals of your guests and they would immediately want to run away, so either carpet your venue or cover the ground.

Your Staff Should Be Well Informed

The biggest mishap that can happen in case of weather emergencies is that your staff and workers are going haywire and they have no idea what to do and what to follow. It is your responsibility to inform them what to do in case of sudden weather changes and how to approach the guests. They should know where the supplies and amenities are kept and immediately act upon saving the event.

Stock Up Weatherproofing Supplies

A famous saying is that ‘little stuff goes a long way’. Little investment in your event will make your guest indebted to you forever and they will appreciate the little notes of concern. For instance, you could give out free lemonades or Coladas in extremely hot temperatures or small shots of coffee or hot chocolates in cases where the weather turns cooler.

You could also stock up on plastic raincoats or umbrellas to give away for free in case rainfall starts. If you are worried about your outdoor event cost going high then you could initially add these up in the ticket price and no one would even notice and your guests will leave happy. You could also install insect repellants or torch lights to keep bugs and insects away.

Final Word

In order to make your event a success, you will have to think about your guests. For it, you need the best team, event managers, and corporate tents rentals Northern VA to plan an event that is informative and entertaining. If they leave satisfied then they will be further willing to attend your next event and that will be your eventual success.

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