Bridge Cranes vs Gantry Cranes – Top Differences and Similarities

Bridge and Gantry cranes have a lot in common. You must have seen these machines being employed by the construction, transportation, fishing, and other industries. However, there are some differences as well that will help you make the right decision for crane rigging and lifting heavy machinery. Both cranes may look similar from the outside but are designed to serve different purposes. Let’s discuss!

What Are The Differences?


The primary difference between these two cranes is the mounting or the way they are mounted. While bridge cranes or overhead cranes are installed inside a facility, gantry cranes are typically mounted on wheels or to a track system.

As a result, bridge cranes are a perfect choice for warehouse-type factories where space is limited and heavy loads need to be loaded and unloaded. On the other hand, gantry cranes can be easily assembled and disassembled and transported anywhere as needed since they are not mounted to any building. This makes the cranes relatively versatile when it comes to performing lifting and shifting tasks.

Lifting Capacity

Next comes the lifting capacity. Cranes mounted to a structure are able to lift extremely heavy loads when compared to mobile cranes. With that said, some bridge cranes are designed to lift more than 100 tons. This is some serious load that cannot be handled by any other type.

On the other hand, gantry cranes are not capable of lifting such heavy loads. However, this does not mean they cannot lift heavy loads, they actually can upto 15 tons. But that is too far from the 100 tons handled by bridge cranes.


Now, if a crane is designed to lift upto 100 tons, the price will go up as well. Depending on the type, size, and model of the bridge crane, it can easily go over hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, that primarily depends on the needs and preferences of the company or the industry that plans on installing one.

When compared to bridge cranes, gantry cranes aren’t that cheap either. They can go over hundreds of thousands of dollars as well depending on the size, lifting capacity, model, features, etc. Gantry cranes might be expensive but not as expensive as bridge cranes.

What Are The Similarities?


Both bridge and gantry cranes are designed to lift heavy loads. While that is one thing, the question of how they are able to do so is another. This is where the hoist comes in. Bridge and gantry cranes use a hoist to secure and lift the load. The hoist is made using special materials that ensure safety and security while lifting extremely heavyweights. Its strength directly influences how much the crane can lift.

Support Or Girder

The girder or support is the component on which the hoist rests. Both types will consist of the main girder, the mounting or support for the bridge girder will differ based on the type of crane.


It is a well-known fact that bridge cranes include a bridge girder along with other parts that allow the hoist to travel. But you might have thought that wouldn’t be the case when it comes to a gantry crane. In fact, both types come with a bridge. The difference lies in the way the bridge is mounted. Either to a structure in the case of a bridge crane or on legs in the case of a gantry crane.

Therefore, you need to be aware of the fact that both cranes have bridges and can move their hoists. So, if anyone tells you otherwise, you are simply wasting your time.

Final Word

By now you must have a clear idea of what differentiates a bridge crane from a gantry crane. This will help you come up with the perfect decision for your business. The lifting capacity, features, cost, etc. should be carefully considered so that you put your money where it’s going to be worth it. Make sure you consult with reputable crane services DC that offer these cranes. If you’re buying cranes, they are a one-time investment so you must check everything before making the decision. For renting, inspections are even more important to ensure that the cranes can lift the loads within their capacities.

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