Important Information To Know While You Are Pregnant

Pregnancy is a medical condition of women and it occurs during ovulation when a sperm fertilizes an egg after it is released from the ovary. The fertilized egg then makes its way down into the uterus, where it is implanted. Pregnancy is the outcome of successful implantation. At a women’s choice clinic, you can regularly track your pregnancy and its progress. The duration of pregnancy is divided...

An Alternative To Impeachment

After the release of the Mueller report on Trump’s activities, calls for his impeachment have become more fervent. Never mind that an impeachment effort would fail in the current Republican-controlled US Senate.  Never mind that the public is more interested in hearing about health care, jobs, the environment and such, which have a more direct impact on their lives. Even the alternative of a Congressional...

Political Parties And Power Of Fundraising

political campaigns
Do you believe money and election campaigns have any relationship? Many of you may assert the both things are deeply interconnected. That is true to a great extent that fund raising for political parties is done mostly for winning elections, placing stronger candidates, spending on election campaigns and using the money for election gains. You might have heard the quote “Money changes everything”...

The Most Exciting Marijuana Initiative is in Conservative Kern County?

One of the most exciting items on the November ballot isn’t the blue wave. It’s a voter initiative in Kern County, California called Measure K.  Political pundits across America are watching Kern County because Measure K is the first marijuana initiative to gain the super conservatives vote. “Measure K is a mythical unicorn,” says Louis Ennas, CEO of Green Partners, Inc, “Measure...

Wealth inequality in the United States and How to Work Towards an Equal Economy

Wealth inequality in the united states has continually skyrocketed since the 80’s   and continues to have devastating effects on the low-income earners. The housing rules that keep the poor from certain states that have high education standards continue to wreak havoc in the country’s economy. The haves continue to enrich themselves widening the gulf between the rich and the poor. The sub economic...

What does the Political Climate have in Store for Marijuana?

Everyone has heard the success stories of the legal marijuana industries in Washington and Colorado. For example, experts vastly underestimated the effect that legalized marijuana would have on state taxes. Reports from 2016 claim that Colorado saw a 129 million dollar increase to state taxes and Washington saw 220 million. “No matter the size of the state budget, 200 million dollars is still a very...

Net Neutrality: What you Need to Know

The FCC’s recent rolling back of their 2015 reclassification of the internet broadband access as a telecommunications service under Title II has sparked outrage and outright confusion.  Proponents of net neutrality say that without it, ISPs can further monopolize access and this will end the internet as we know it.  Opponents of net neutrality claim that the internet was fine before net neutrality. ...

Make America Truthful Again Is A New Campaign Against Political Lies

A new campaign is underway to fight against political lies with a simple message, or hashtag, #MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain. The group’s leader wants to stand up against propaganda, political lies, and “neo-terrorism”. His name is Dr. Rick Botelho of Charlotte, North Carolina. The #MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain campaign is based on the idea that without truth in politics a healthy democracy cannot...

Eisenhower Tax Rates of 90%

On more than one occasion, Bernie Sanders has mentioned that the top marginal tax rates under President Dwight D Eisenhower were 90%.  This has led to some confusion, and some have erroneously claimed that Sanders himself intended to increase these tax rates to 90%.  Furthermore, many incorrectly believe that this is flat 90% tax rate on everyone. There has been much debate over the Eisenhower tax...

Freedom of the Press in a Global Context: Prosecution of Journalists in International Courts and Tribunals

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the Uniform Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (UCCPR) are collectively known as the International Bill of Rights.   These documents protect freedom of expression, freedom of the press and other essential human rights. Unfortunately, the International Bill of Rights does not apply to the United Nations including its Courts and Tribunals.   So...

Fact Checking in the Age of Fake News

Fake News
Fact checking sites have become more important than ever.  Not only do we live in the age of a 24-hour news cycle and and endless stream of Tweets and shares, but disseminating fake news and confusing conspiracy theories has become a viable business model for scrupulous individuals, organizations and has benefited certain politicians.  Alternative facts (and outright lies) are spread faster and reach...

Gun control arguments

Gun control
The gun control debate is perhaps one of the more heated in modern American politics.  Those who favor stronger gun control believe that such regulations will lessen gun violence, leaving us all safer.  Those who oppose gun control seem adamant that 1-the government is out to disarm them (in preparation for some grand takeover) and 2-that loose gun laws actually make us safer by ensuring more armed...