Pregnancy is a medical condition of women and it occurs during ovulation when a sperm fertilizes an egg after it is released from the ovary. The fertilized egg then makes its way down into the uterus, where it is implanted. Pregnancy is the outcome of successful implantation. At a women’s choice clinic, you can regularly track your pregnancy and its progress.
The duration of pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, each with its own set of medical stages for both woman and the baby.
First trimester (week 1 to week 12):
The first trimester is the first three months of pregnancy and is the most sensitive stage because the chances of miscarriages are higher in this stage. During the first trimester (weeks 1 to 12), a baby grows quickly. The fetus’s brain, spinal cord, and organs begin to develop. The baby’s heart will begin to beat as well.
Second trimester (week 13 to week 27):
The second trimester extends from the 4th month to the 6th month. This is the stage in which you can start feeling your baby. You can feel move, punch, and kick inside your womb.
Your healthcare practitioner will most likely do an ultrasound during the second trimester of pregnancy. This test looks for any developmental anomalies in the fetus’s body. If you want to know before the baby is delivered, the test results can also indicate the gender of the kid.
After week 23, your baby can survive outside your uterus but there is a relatively high chance of abnormalities if the baby is born in the 2nd trimester.
Third trimester (week 28 to week 40):
The third trimester is the last three months of pregnancy, in which your weight will increase and you will feel lazier. Your baby can now open and close their eyes as well as perceive light. Bones are also developed in this stage.
As labor approaches, you may experience pelvic pain and swollen feet. Braxton-Hicks contractions, which do not lead to labor, may begin to occur in the last weeks leading up to your due date.
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy:
Every pregnancy is different and women show different signs and symptoms during pregnancy. You may notice these symptoms during pregnancy as your hormones change.
Missed periods:
One of the first signs of pregnancy is a missed period. A missed period, on the other hand, does not always imply that you are pregnant, especially if your cycle is irregular.
Bleeding or spotting:
Early in pregnancy, some women may suffer minor bleeding and spotting. The most common cause of this bleeding is implantation. Fertilization is frequently followed by one to two weeks of implanting. Bleeding can also be a serious sign of pregnancy complications such as ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.
Headaches are frequent in early pregnancy due to hormonal fluctuations. Changes in hormone levels and an increase in blood volume are the most common causes of headaches.
Breast changes:
One of the first indicators of pregnancy is a change in the breasts. Your breasts may become swollen, painful, and generally heavy or full. The areola may darken and your nipples may grow larger and more sensitive.
Morning sickness:
Morning sickness is a typical symptom that usually starts within the first four months. The main cause is an increase in hormones during early pregnancy.
A complete gestation lasts 40 weeks or 9 months on average. Pregnancy might be affected by a variety of factors. Women who obtain a prenatal diagnosis and care early in their pregnancy are more likely to prevent early pregnancy abortion DC and to have a healthy baby.