Make America Truthful Again Is A New Campaign Against Political Lies

A new campaign is underway to fight against political lies with a simple message, or hashtag, #MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain. The group’s leader wants to stand up against propaganda, political lies, and “neo-terrorism”. His name is Dr. Rick Botelho of Charlotte, North Carolina. The #MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain campaign is based on the idea that without truth in politics a healthy democracy cannot function.

This new online movement is helping people around the country use social media to take a stand and make their votes and voices count. The campaign is helping social media users spread awareness of the movement through the hashtags “VoteForTruth,” “FireFakePresident,” “MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain,” “DefeatNeoTerrorists,” and “LiberateUsFromFakeNews.”

The events in politics over the past year have inspired many individuals to embrace activism and fight for what they believe in. With “fake news” being a hot topic, civil rights concerns on the rise, and the ongoing corruption being revealed, there is a greater sense of urgency.

The new #MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain movement is shifting focus away from the Left vs Right debate and putting a demand on truth from both sides. The leaders of the #MakeAmericaTruthfulAgain campaign want people to reject propaganda and lies.

The enemy they wish to fight is what they refer to as the “neo-terrorists” who are people or groups who spread false narratives presenting news with a political sway. The movement is a call-to-action for “patriots who are dedicated to their country rather than any political parties.”

In an atmosphere of division and infighting, one thing we can all agree is that truth is a good thing. This unifying project could help the average person promote the quest for truth and help heal the wounds from the last presidential campaign. Shifting the conversation and focusing on a mutual benefit of keeping all forms of politics truthful is a noble but lofty aim.

Through their Kickstarter campaign, the project is offering t-shirts with slogans that showcase what the wearer is fighting for, namely, to “Make America truthful again”. The slogan appears to be a play on words from President Trump’s slogan of “Make America Great Again”. They also plan to team up with organizations and media outlets to draw attention to the cause.

Without truth in politics the American people don’t know that they are voting for exactly. Perhaps one first step to “making America great again” is to ensure that it be truthful again.

To learn more about this project or to show support visit their Kickstarter fundraising page here.

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